Breckenridge SOLAR OPTIONS
Rooftop Solar VS Solar Gardens
We are often asked about options for how local individuals or businesses can utilize solar energy.
There are two main pathways:
Adding on-site solar to your roof or property. Each year the Town of Breckenridge offers a limited number of $1650 rebates to Breckenridge residents to install solar on their property through the Solarize Summit Program. The program is administered by High Country Conservation Center, and typically kicks-off in February each year, with available rebates typically filling-up by early summer. Through the solarize program, they'll also help guide you through federal solar incentives that stack on top of ours. Click the link to learn more:
Subscribing to a Community Solar Garden. Do you wish you could unlock the benefits of solar, but just don't have the roof or property to add your own panels? Consider subscribing to a community solar garden, no matter if you rent or own! While the two community solar gardens located in Breckenridge have been fully-subscribed for a number of years, new solar gardens are constantly being built all across Colorado, and you can subscribe to the energy they produce. To do so, you'll need to reach out to contract with a third-party solar developer. Each deal is a little different depending on the developer, but typically you'll realize some cost savings through a bill credit on your utility bill, all while helping support local clean energy.
One solar developer that is actively recruiting residential subscribers in our area is US Solar. US Solar is offering a $100 sign-up bonus (Amazon e-gift card), as well making a $50 donation to the High Country Conservation Center, for every new resident that signs up. There's no upfont costs to join, no cancellation fees, and you're guaranteed 5% savings on your bill credit rate. Find out more here:
Other solar developers working in our region include SunShare, Pivot Energy, and others. Xcel Energy offers some helpful information on how to navigate the option that is the best fit for you!