The Town of Breckenridge has a goal to reduce waste headed for the landfill by 40 percent through reducing overall consumption, recycling, and composting. Click through the resources below to learn what you can do to help.

High Country Conservation Center (HC3) inspected over 300 recycling bins and left personalized tips in four neighborhoods in July and September. Roughly 1/3 of households were tagged on both visits. Visit-over-visit data was compared to determine impact.
The project reduced contamination in residential neighborhoods by 38%. Areas with a high percentage of vacation rentals did not realize the same success.
HC3 recommends Oops Tags as an effective outreach tool for residential single stream recyclers. Pairing with targeted marketing could be especially impactful.

Residents and visitors are encouraged to BYO bottle. Water refill stations are located at convenient places around town. You'll find our drinking water is as pure as the peaks around us.
Check out the map for convenient water filling stations and BYO bottle wherever you go in town. Our water really is purity at its peak.
By using reusable water bottles, the average person could save 100 bottles per year.

Single use bags in Breckenridge cost 25 cents in an effort to discourage their use. The Town provides reusable bags to lodging and retail partners to ensure residents and visitors are never without.
Plan ahead by bringing your own bags when shopping in Breckenridge. Don't have one? Ask the front desk or a local retailer and they will hook you up.
This program has saved millions of single use plastic and paper bags since it's inception. Click on the map to see where you can get your reusable Breck bag.
A waste audit revealed that coffee cups are contaminating public recycling bins more frequently than any other waste item in town. To reduce contamination, the Town added signage to all trash/recycling bins on Main Street.
Brew the Right Thing and Junk your Java! Remember, bringing your own mug eliminates waste and you often get a discount!

Glass in Breckenridge is not allowed in curbside single-stream recycling programs. It breaks during the collection process and devalues other recycling commodities. Glass is recycled right here in Colorado at Rocky Mountain Bottling Co. in Denver.
Bring your glass to one of the convenient glass depots around town or take glass directly to the Breckenridge Recycling Center located at 284 Coyne Valley Rd.
See map for additional glass depot locations.
If you're a commercial business that produces glass, contact Timberline or Summit Roll Offs directly to set up your glass valet service today.

Commercial Recycling
If your business is located in designated zones of the Breckenridge conservation district, you are eligible to participate in the Town's shared enclosure program. Contact the sustainability office for more details.
There are a number of commercial service providers in Breckenridge depending on your needs. Click their logos learn more about each provider