On March 28, 2023, the Breckenridge Town Council took a major step toward its material management goals with the passage of Ordinance 12-23 that phases out certain single-use plastics from food serviceware and beverage containers. This ordinance also aligns Breckenridge with new state regulations set forth in HB 21-1162, the Plastic Pollution Reduction Act.
Material Management Goals
Policy Strategy: Phase out certain single-use plastics by 2024.
Here's what the ordinance does. For definitions and specific language, please refer to the ordinance.
Skip the Stuff - May 4, 2023
Carryout Bag Fee - May 4, 2023
Town Facilities + Events - May 4, 2023
Polystyrene + Styrofoam - January 1, 2024
Single Use Plastic Water Bottles - July 1, 2024
Single Use Plastic Food Serviceware and Containers - July 1, 2024
Great. Happy to go plastic-free, but what can my business do?
We understand that changes can be difficult. But the ultimate goal is to drive a circular economy that minimizes the need for extraction of materials that simply end up in the landfill. Recycling is only part of the solution and is certainly not the silver bullet. Check out some ideas below listed in order of preference.
Reduce and Reuse
Life cycle report after report show that reusable food serviceware beats single use alternatives by every environmental measure (climate, water, exploitation, material waste, and littler). Not only that, but transitioning from single use to reusable food serviceware can save businesses significant amounts of money. First, start by shifting on-site dining to durable and reusable products. Then, consider take-out options that are available. A new service economy is emerging with significant opportunity to provide take-out and delivery services in reusable packaging. There are several companies operating in Colorado including Vessel, r.cup, Deliver Zero, Boomerang.
A business directory maintained by Upstream is a good source of ideas and future partnerships. NOTE: service areas are not all inclusive and market demand is driving expansion.

Allow Customers to Use Personal Cups and Containers
Consider a Carrot (or Stick)
Pivot to Fiber and Aluminum
Ensure Recycling and Composting Education is Available to Staff and Patrons