Electric Vehicle CHARGING
Public EV Charging in Breckenridge
The Town of Breckenridge owns and operates 48 public electric vehicle charging ports, located at convenient locations around town. All chargers are level-2 ChargePoint units, with J1772 plugs. Download the ChargePoint app for fast and convenient payment, charging, and availability information. The Breck Free Ride has stops near most of these locations, should you wish to catch the bus while your vehicle charges.
See list of locations, pricing, and policies below:
South Gondola Parking Garage, 80 North Park Ave (pictured above)
24 Ports - Level II
2 Ports (ADA-Accessible) – Level II
Located on ground level, southeast.
No time limit, other than there is no overnight parking allowed 2am-6am.
Users must still pay the parking fee, separate from charging. Failure to pay for parking may result in a ticket.
Recreation Center, 880 Airport Rd
8 Ports - Level II
4 Hour Limit
$20/hr overstay fee (after 4 hours)
Steven C. West Ice Arena, 189 Boreas Pass Rd
8 Ports - Level II
10 Hour Limit
$20/hr overtsay fee (after 10 hours)
*Parking Fee only required if parking overnight (2am-6am)
Public Works, 1095 Airport Rd
2 Ports - Level II
4 Hour Limit
$20/hr overstay fee (after 4 hours)
Breckenridge Golf Course/Gold Run Nordic Center, 200 Clubhouse Dr.
4 Ports - Level II
No Time Limits, other than no parking overnight (2am-6am)
No parking fees
Town Hall, 150 Ski Hill Rd
2 Ports - Level II
4 Hour Limit
$20/hr overstay fee (after 4 hours)
Public Fast Chargers at South Branch Library, 103 South Harris St:
With Town of Breckenridge as the site host, Xcel Energy operates two public DC Fast Chargers located at the South Branch Library (103 South Harris St). Each Charger is capable of up to 160KW charging speeds, and both CCS1 and CHAdeMO plug types are available. Xcel Energy (not the Town) determines the pricing and policies for these units, but the initial pricing policy is:-
00:00 -16:00: $0.42/kWh
16:00 - 22:00: $0.55/kWh
22:00 - 00:00: $0.42/kWh
Users may be charged an overstay fee if plugged in for more than 15 minutes after reaching full charge.
Additional EV charging opportunities may be offered by various private entities throughout Breckenridge, and PlugShare is a great resource to find additional EV charging ports, beyond just the ones listed above that are owned and operated by the Town: