The Town of Breckenridge views sustainability as being "the ability of today's community to use and enjoy our natural resources without compromising the ability of future generations to use them." In order to work towards a sustainable future, in 2008 the Town of Breckenridge embarked on a series of studies, discussions, and public meetings to further identify and define what sustainability meant to the community. The SustainableBreck Plan (2011) is the culmination of those endeavors. The plan is intended to be a blueprint for how the town can sustain itself in the year 2030 and beyond.
The SustainableBreck Plan is a living document. As data becomes more available, knowledge improves about our impact on Earth, and projects become more economically feasible, we will make necessary adjustments to ensure we doing our part to reduce our footprint. In addition, you will find many companion documents and plans that have built upon the foundation of the SustainableBreck Plan, driving further change in our community.
Our Community.
The Town of Breckenridge as a government can only make so much progress on its own. In order for the community to really progress towards greater sustainability, it will take the collective action of all the residents and businesses. Through its sustainability actions, the Town hopes to set an example for not only our community, but also all the other small towns in America who feel like their efforts are left behind.
Our community has already achieved great things. SustainableBreck embraces all who desire to see Breckenridge sustained for us and for future generations.
The Town of Breckenridge celebrates our partnerships with the community. Without the help of businesses, residents, visitors, non-profits and our neighboring communities, our positive impact this planet would be minimal. It takes a village, and ours is a wonderful one.